Attitude Trailers Change Of Attitude? Trailering Question.?

Change of attitude? Trailering question.? - attitude trailers

My horse has always been a dream to tow, right and bottom right. I once took a week for classes four months and was always good. Last week, showed some hesitation, but was finally left. That worried me a little. This week, she refused to board. Not that a big problem, which they took about 20 minutes with the help of a friend - But why this sudden change? In addition to his manners, the followers have also deteriorated markedly. He goes to the trailer the whole time, I can not get away with a hard shot go from the inside. But he does not depend on me to walk in front of me. It uses when I am there. Do not go, leg, etc. are all facing in the car sleepers. What is the cause?

Note: We have a new trailer, because the first was very dangerous, but they are basically the same. Two horse straight load with ramp. It is important, but it could make a difference?


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